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Christmas Drive 2023 

 We are supporting Families for Christmas. 

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Backpack Drop 2023

 Student from Kindergarten to University were provided with backpacks and school supplies.

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Emancipation Day 2023 

An opportunity for communities across the province to celebrate emanc


Christmas Drive 2022

Provided  families with Christmas gifts, supporting 11 individuals. 

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Period Poverty  2023 

Women, girls, and teen were provide period emergency kits with sanitary essentials. 

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Senior Gift Card Project

ITAVCOA Seniors Program  provided the East Preston Senior Citizens group with gift cards for their ongoing initiatives and support to seniors.  

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Monica Skinner -

New Volunteer

“It was great seeing the kids excited to get a backpack. I gave a Back Pack to a student who lives away. Giving out more as well. Thank you Briget for all your hard work and forming the organization to help many people."

Sherry Bundy -

New Volunteer

"Awesome event today. The smiles on the children's faces when they picked out there backpack was amazing. Great community support across the HRM and the many thank you's from parents, grandparents family and friends was spiritually rewarding. Big Thank You Bridget Williams the brains behind It Takes a Village. Looking forward to the next event and working with all the amazing volunteers."

Borquoise Go the Distance Event - Recipient

"This weekend was the event of It Takes A Village Community_Outreach and Advocacy which gave backpacks to school age children. These are the backpacks for Big Sis and Lil Bro. They will definitely be able to use this for the incoming school year. Thank you very much! Such a great way to bring back to the community. Keep an eye out on social media posts, as I believe they do this early. #schoolbackpack

Francis Diggs - Community Senior Laptop Recipient

I was in need of a laptop so I started praying asking God for Favor in getting one. Then I when on Facebook and there was my answer to prayer. If we are meant to have it God always opens doors for us to receive. Thank you again Bridget and ITAVCOA.

Lillian Benjamin -

Community Senior Laptop Recipient 

Thank you for all you do for the community. Keep up the AMAZING work of the Lord.  Continued blessings.

It Takes a Village Community Outreach and Advocacy ©

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