Inspire. Empower. Act. Reflect. Share
Seniors Program
Our continued services encompass a wide range of activities to promote social engagement for our seniors. They are designed to foster a sense of community, which provides seniors with a supportive and enriching community environment.
Here are several ways we support seniors in our community:
Technology - which provides free Laptops to Seniors age 65 and up - with which they can access virtual meet-ups or video calls and social training for classes, They can also connect with family and friends online
Telehealth services - provide telehealth service information to our seniors and help with tree lists for different districts
Gift cards - Seniors Gift Card community project
Storytelling - foster a sense of community that gives them an opportunity to tell their stories.
Intergenerational activities - that include seniors interacting with our youth volunteers and other young adults, promote cross generational connections
Interact with other senior groups and accompany them on trip
Movie night and other social enjoyments
Free Internets services for Seniors - internet service enables seniors to access resources about common online scams and learn how to protect themselves from fraud. Many government and nonprofit organizations provide tools and advice on avoiding scams that disproportionately target older adults.
Refurbished IPADs for Seniors -iPads enable seniors to easily connect with family and friends via video calls (such as FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype), messaging apps, and social media platforms. This is especially important for reducing social isolation and promoting emotional well-being.
Supporting Our Community Seniors
We are accepting free new or refurbished laptops for our community seniors. There are many in need.
Senior Storytelling
Intergenerational activities Our seniors provide our youth knowlegde on how to create crafts, farming, community history, among others.
Seniors Activites